Incerteza: mudanças entre as edições

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Linha 12: Linha 12:
are depicted using the dart board analogy to illustrate the
are depicted using the dart board analogy to illustrate the
center of a target and the spread of values.
center of a target and the spread of values.
uncertainty: (or measurement uncertainty or uncertainty of measurement) a non-negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the quantity values being attributed to a measurand, based on the information used.
Knowledge of the measurement uncertainty does not create doubt about the validity of the measurement result, rather it provides confidence that the data is fit for its intended purpose


Edição das 21h24min de 2 de julho de 2023

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Citam como inspiração da figura abaixo:

Analytical Methods Committee, AMC Technical Brief, 2003, No. 13, ‘Terminology – the key to understanding analytical science. Part 1: Accuracy, precision and uncertainty’ (available on RSC website,


The meaning and inter-relationship of the terms trueness, accuracy, bias, error, uncertainty, and precision are depicted using the dart board analogy to illustrate the center of a target and the spread of values.

uncertainty: (or measurement uncertainty or uncertainty of measurement) a non-negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the quantity values being attributed to a measurand, based on the information used.

Knowledge of the measurement uncertainty does not create doubt about the validity of the measurement result, rather it provides confidence that the data is fit for its intended purpose

Interpretações da figura... Corretas?

  • Remover o viés aumenta a veracidade ?
  • Reduzir erro aumenta a precisão?
  • Incerteza é o inverso da acurácia?
  • ...

Se corretas então a ilustração é boa. E como fica o conceito de incerteza (parâmetro u) no protocolo GeoURI?

Podemos dizer que a célula do DGGS é a "área de incerteza" (ou de erro?) quando tomamos o seu centroide por ponto representado pela célula?