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Tabelas da base corrente <code>DL05s_main</code>. Documentação gerada por recursos do "psql" e [https://tableconvert.com/markdown-to-mediawiki tableconvert.com/markdown-to-mediawiki] (ou [https://www.vertopal.com/en/convert/markdown-to-wiki-mediawiki vertopal.com/en/convert/markdown-to-wiki-mediawiki]).
Ver também [[Usuário:Peter/Modelos endereço]]
== Table <code>optim.jurisdiction</code> ==
Jurisdições nacionais e locais, sem geometrias (ver tabela complementar _geom).
{| class="wikitable"
! Column !! Type !! Nullable !! Description
| osm_id || bigint || not null || Relation identifier in OpenStreetMap.
| jurisd_base_id || integer || not null || ISO3166-1-numeric COUNTRY ID (e.g. Brazil is 76) or negative for non-iso (ex. oceans).
| jurisd_local_id || integer || not null || Numeric official ID like IBGE_ID of BR jurisdiction. For example ACRE is 12 and its cities are {1200013, 1200054,etc}.
| parent_id || bigint ||  || osm_id of top admin_level.
| admin_level || smallint || not null || OSM convention for admin_level tag in country.
| name || text || not null || Name of jurisdiction
| parent_abbrev || text || not null || Abbreviation of parent name.
| abbrev || text ||  || Name abbreviation.
| wikidata_id || bigint ||  || wikidata identifier without Q prefix.
| lexlabel || text || not null || Cache from name; e.g. sao.paulo.
| isolabel_ext || text || not null || Cache from parent_abbrev (ISO) and name (camel case); e.g. BR-SP-SaoPaulo.
| ddd || integer ||  || Direct distance dialing.
| housenumber_system_type || text ||  || Housenumber system.
| lex_urn || text ||  || Housenumber system law.
| info || jsonb ||  || Others information.
| name_en || text ||  || City name in english.
| isolevel || integer ||  || 1=country, 2=state, 3=mun
| ne_country_id || integer ||  || NaturalEarthData country gid.
| int_country_id || integer ||  || One byte identifier, adopted for internal use. Shorter than ISO and NaturalEarthData.
    "jurisdiction_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (osm_id)
    "jurisdiction_isolabel_ext_idx1" btree (isolabel_ext)
    "jurisdiction_isolabel_ext_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (isolabel_ext)
    "jurisdiction_jurisd_base_id_jurisd_local_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (jurisd_base_id, jurisd_local_id)
    "jurisdiction_jurisd_base_id_parent_abbrev_abbrev_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (jurisd_base_id, parent_abbrev, abbrev)
    "jurisdiction_jurisd_base_id_parent_abbrev_lexlabel_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (jurisd_base_id, parent_abbrev, lexlabel)
    "jurisdiction_jurisd_base_id_parent_abbrev_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (jurisd_base_id, parent_abbrev, name)
    "jurisdiction_wikidata_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (wikidata_id)
Check constraints:
    "jurisdiction_admin_level_check" CHECK (admin_level > 0 AND admin_level < 100)
    "jurisdiction_name_check" CHECK (length(name) < 60)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "jurisdiction_parent_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES optim.jurisdiction(osm_id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "optim.donor" CONSTRAINT "donor_scope_osm_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (scope_osm_id) REFERENCES optim.jurisdiction(osm_id)
    TABLE "optim.jurisdiction" CONSTRAINT "jurisdiction_parent_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES optim.jurisdiction(osm_id)
Access method: heap
=== Queries ===
Queries que geram reports e sugestão de análise das views próprias.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sql">
-- R0a
select '* '||vw_name from optim.admin_views_dependency_summary
where ref_tab_name='optim.jurisdiction'  order by 1
-- R0b
select schema_name, name, arguments_simplified , return_type
from doc_UDF_using_a_table('optim.jurisdiction') t order by 1,2,3
-- R1a. Intervalos de CEP das cidades do Brasil
create view optim.vw_jurisdiction76_postal_ranges AS
select isolabel_ext,  jurisd_local_id, osm_id, admin_level, name,
      ('{'|| translate(info->>'postalCode_ranges', '[] ','{},') ||'}')::text[] as postal_ranges,
      ('{'|| translate(regexp_replace(info->>'postalCode_ranges','\-\d+','','g'), '[] ','{},') ||'}')::int[] as cep5,
      (info->'area_km2')::int area_km2
from optim.jurisdiction
where jurisd_base_id=76
order by 1
-- R1b
select * from optim.vw_jurisdiction76_postal_ranges where cardinality(postal_ranges)>2;
  -- apenas BR-SP-SaoPaulo, BR-DF-Brasilia e BR-RJ-NovaIguacu
-- R1c
select *, round(area_km2::float/cep5s::float,1) as area_per_cep
from (
  select isolabel_ext,  jurisd_local_id, osm_id, admin_level, name, cardinality(postal_ranges) as num_ceps, cep5,
  1 + (cep5[1][2] - cep5[1][1]) + case when cardinality(cep5)>2 then (cep5[2][2] - cep5[2][1]) else 0 end as cep5s,
  from optim.vw_jurisdiction76_postal_ranges
) t  order by 10 desc, 1
; -- MEDIANA 71 km2, select PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY area_per_cep) FROM (...) t2.
-- R2
SELECT substring(isolabel_ext,1,2) as pais, isolevel, lengtbit_MSB(jurisd_local_id) as bits,
      count(*) n
FROM optim.jurisdiction where jurisd_local_id>0
GROUP by 1,2,3 order by 1, 4 desc
; -- Chile (CL) cabe em 27 bits, Brasil (BR) não cabe. Poucos casos valem adaptar exceções.
-- R3
SELECT '['||isolabel_ext||'](https://afa.codes/'||isolabel_ext||')' as AFAcode_map,
      jurisd_local_id as local_id,
      '['||osm_id||'](https://osm.org/relation/'||osm_id::text||')' as osm_id,
      '['||wikidata_id::text||'](https://wikidata.org/entity/Q'||wikidata_id::text||')' as wikidata_id
FROM optim.jurisdiction
ORDER BY jurisd_local_id, isolabel_ext;
=== Reports ===
'''R0a'''. Views que fazem uso da tabela:
* api.jurisdiction: reproduz a tabela na API.
* api.stats_donated_packcomponent: fornece estatísticas de pacotes doados, organizada por jurisdição.
* optim.jurisdiction_lexlabel: reformata isolabel_ext como URN LEX.
* optim.vw01donorevidencecmd:
* optim.vw01full_donated_packtpl: pacotes doados em join completo.
* optim.vw01full_jurisdiction_geom: jurisdição completa, com geometria.
* optim.vw01int_country_id: (lixo) lista o ID interno de país.
* optim.vw02generate_list: gera JSON com árvore de países, com optim.vw01generate_list.
* optim.vw02publication: metadados para ato de publicação de um pacote.
* optim.vwjurisdiction_synonym: lista de-para de todos os sinônimos válidos de uma jurisdição (CEP, abreviação, URN LEX etc.).
* osmc.jurisdictions_select: JSON para interface de seletor de jurisdição.
* public.qwerty: (resgatar para optim) gerador de comando bash "curl" para criar CSVs de todas as jurisdições.
'''R0a-packs''': select isolabel_ext, legalname as donor_name,shortname,  housenumber_system_type as hn_sys, pack_number,license_data->'family' as lic_fam,  jsonb_object_keys_asarray(make_conf_tpl->'layers') as layers from optim.vw01full_donated_packtpl where shortname!='OSM' order by packtpl_id
'''R0b'''. Funções que fazem uso da tabela:
{| class="wikitable"
! schema_name !! name !! arguments_simplified !! return_type
| api || jurisdiction_autocomplete || {text} || jsonb
| api || osmcode_decode_postal || {text,text} || jsonb
| api || osmcode_encode || {text,integer} || jsonb
| api || osmcode_encode_sci || {text,integer} || jsonb
| optim || generate_synonym_csv || {text,text} || text
| optim || generate_synonym_ref_csv || {text} || text
| optim || insert_donor_pack || {text} || text
| optim || insert_jurisdpoint || {NULL} || text
| osmc || encode_short_code || {text,"bit varying",text,USER-DEFINED,text,integer,text} || record
| osmc || l0cover_upsert_co || {NULL} || text
'''R1c'''. Avalia área por cep, para inferir quantos dígitos mais o CEP5 precisaria para chegar a 1m2 com AFAcode
{| class="wikitable"
! isolabel_ext !! ibge_id !! name !! cep5 !! cep5s !! area_km2 !! area_per_cep
| BR-PA-SaoFelixXingu || 1507300 || São Félix do Xingu || {68380,68382} || 3 || 84193 || 28064.3
| BR-PA-NovoProgresso || 1505031 || Novo Progresso || {68193,68194} || 2 || 38166 || 19083.0
| BR-PA-Jacareacanga || 1503754 || Jacareacanga || {68195,68197} || 3 || 53312 || 17770.7
| BR-AM-Tapaua || 1304104 || Tapauá || {69480,69484} || 5 || 85499 || 17099.8
| BR-RR-Rorainopolis || 1400472 || Rorainópolis || {69373,69374} || 2 || 33548 || 16774.0
| BR-PA-Altamira || 1500602 || Altamira || {68370,68379} || 10 || 159525 || 15952.5
| BR-RR-Amajari || 1400027 || Amajari || {69343,69344} || 2 || 28401 || 14200.5
| BR-AM-Japura || 1302108 || Japurá || {69495,69499} || 5 || 55776 || 11155.2
| BR-PA-Oriximina || 1505304 || Oriximiná || {68270,68279} || 10 || 107680 || 10768.0
| BR-MT-Colniza || 5103254 || Colniza || {78335,78337} || 3 || 27929 || 9309.7
| BR-MT-Querencia || 5107065 || Querência || {78643,78644} || 2 || 17808 || 8904.0
| ... ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| BR-PR-Anahy || 4101051 || Anahy || {85425,85429} || 5 || 103 || 20.6
| BR-PR-ParaisoNorte || 4118006 || Paraíso do Norte || {87780,87789} || 10 || 206 || 20.6
| BR-RS-NovaBrescia || 4313003 || Nova Bréscia || {95950,95954} || 5 || 103 || 20.6
| BR-RS-NovaPadua || 4313086 || Nova Pádua || {95275,95279} || 5 || 103 || 20.6
| BR-SP-Moncoes || 3531001 || Monções || {15275,15279} || 5 || 103 || 20.6
| ... ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| BR-PA-Marituba || 1504422 || Marituba || {67200,67999} || 800 || 102 || 0.13
| BR-PE-Olinda || 2609600 || Olinda || {53000,53399} || 400 || 41 || 0.10
| BR-PE-Recife || 2611606 || Recife || {50000,52999} || 3000 || 219 || 0.07
'''R2'''. Número de bits necessários para representar jurisd_local_id. Critério para avaliar se cria artificial ou reusa no novo id. Amostrando apenas Brasil (IBGE). Reparar que somando 8 bits do país não caberia em 27. No caso do Chile caberia (15+8&lt;27). Em função desta análise decidimos criar o ID com ROW
{| class="wikitable"
! país !! isolevel !! bits !! n_count
| BR  ||        3 ||  22 || 3861
| BR  ||        3 ||  23 || 1259
| BR  ||        3 ||  21 ||  450
| BR  ||        2 ||    5 ||  12
| BR  ||        2 ||    6 ||  10
| BR  ||        2 ||    4 ||    5
| BR  ||        1 ||    0 ||    1
| ...
| CL  ||        3 ||  15 ||  164
| CL  ||        3 ||  14 ||  82
| CL  ||        3 ||  13 ||  41
| ...
| CL  ||        2 ||    1 ||    1
| CL  ||        1 ||    0 ||    1
<span id="optim.jurisdiction.R3"></span>'''R3'''. Listagem simples Markdown para relatórios internos e conferir se IDs batem com links.
{| class="wikitable"
!width="38%"| afacode_map
!width="14%"| name
!width="4%"| local_id
!width="19%"| osm_id
!width="22%"| wikidata_id
| [https://afa.codes/BR BR]
| Brasil
| 0
| [https://osm.org/relation/59470 59470]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q155 155]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-RO BR-RO]
| Rondônia
| 11
| [https://osm.org/relation/325866 325866]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q43235 43235]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-RO-AltaFlorestaOeste BR-RO-AltaFlorestaOeste]
| Alta Floresta D’Oeste
| 1100015
| [https://osm.org/relation/325842 325842]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q1761456 1761456]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-RO-Ariquemes BR-RO-Ariquemes]
| Ariquemes
| 1100023
| [https://osm.org/relation/325888 325888]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q1646975 1646975]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-RO-Cabixi BR-RO-Cabixi]
| Cabixi
| 1100031
| [https://osm.org/relation/325882 325882]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q940433 940433]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-RO-Cacoal BR-RO-Cacoal]
| Cacoal
| 1100049
| [https://osm.org/relation/325872 325872]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q1761637 1761637]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-AC BR-AC]
| Acre
| 12
| [https://osm.org/relation/326266 326266]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q40780 40780]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-AC-Acrelandia BR-AC-Acrelandia]
| Acrelândia
| 1200013
| [https://osm.org/relation/326273 326273]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q953086 953086]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-AC-AssisBrasil BR-AC-AssisBrasil]
| Assis Brasil
| 1200054
| [https://osm.org/relation/326269 326269]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q1754403 1754403]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-AC-Brasileia BR-AC-Brasileia]
| Brasiléia
| 1200104
| [https://osm.org/relation/326270 326270]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q899406 899406]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-AC-Bujari BR-AC-Bujari]
| Bujari
| 1200138
| [https://osm.org/relation/326259 326259]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q1754408 1754408]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-AC-Capixaba BR-AC-Capixaba]
| Capixaba
| 1200179
| [https://osm.org/relation/326268 326268]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q1800737 1800737]
| [https://afa.codes/BR-AC-CruzeiroSul BR-AC-CruzeiroSul]
| Cruzeiro do Sul
| 1200203
| [https://osm.org/relation/326274 326274]
| [https://wikidata.org/entity/Q941136 941136]
== Table <code>optim.jurisdiction_geom</code> ==
Geometrias de [[#optim.jurisdiction]]. Geometrias das jurisdições nacionais e locais.
{| class="wikitable"
! Column !! Type !! Nullable !! Description
| osm_id || bigint || not null || Relation identifier in OpenStreetMap.
| isolabel_ext || text || not null || ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code and name (camel case); e.g. BR-SP-SaoPaulo.
| geom || geometry(Geometry,4326) ||  || Geometry for osm_id identifier
| geom_svg || geometry(Geometry,4326) ||  || Simplified geometry version to use in svg interface.
| kx_ghs1_intersects || text[] ||  ||
| kx_ghs2_intersects || text[] ||  ||
    "jurisdiction_geom_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (osm_id)
    "jurisdiction_geom_isolabel_ext_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (isolabel_ext)
    "optim_jurisdiction_geom_idx1" gist (geom)
    "optim_jurisdiction_geom_isolabel_ext_idx1" btree (isolabel_ext)
    "optim_jurisdiction_geom_svg_idx1" gist (geom_svg)
Access method: heap
== Table <code>osmc.coverage</code> ==
Coberturas nacionais e de suas jurisdições. As geometrias nacionais são expressas em LatLong, as locais conforme sua projeção oficial.
Ingestão: arquivos "coverage.csv" do git. Função ou make para construção?? <br/> Exemplos: [https://git.osm.codes/BR_new/blob/main/data/coverage.csv BR_new/data/coverage.csv], [https://git.osm.codes/CO_new/blob/main/data/coverage.csv CO_new/data/coverage.csv]. As colunas "status" e "cover" são copiadas em "status" e "kx_prefix".
{| class="wikitable"
! Column !! Type !! Default !! Description
| cbits || bit varying ||  || Coverage cell (hierarchical) identifier.
| isolabel_ext || text ||  || Jurisdiction identifier. ISO 3166-2 code extended for subjurisdiction name (camel case); e.g. BR-SP-SaoPaulo.
| cindex || text ||  || First digit of the coverage cell, a prefix in base 32nvu.  Used only case is_country=false.
| bbox || integer[] ||  || Coverage cell BBOX.
| status || smallint || 0 || Coverage status. Convention: 0: generated, 1: revised, 2: homologated.
| is_country || boolean || false || True if it is a cell of national coverage.
| is_contained || boolean || false || True if it is a cell contained in the jurisdiction. Must validate.
| is_overlay || boolean || false || True if it is an overlay cell.
| kx_prefix || text ||  || Coverage cell prefix in base 32nvu.
| geom || geometry ||  || Coverage cell geometry on country's  projection (local SRID).
| geom_srid4326 || geometry ||  || Coverage cell geometry on WGS84 LatLong (4326 srid). Used only case is_country=true.
    "osm_coverage_cbits10true_idx" btree ((cbits::bit(10))) WHERE is_country IS TRUE
    "osm_coverage_cbits15false_idx" btree ((cbits::bit(14)), isolabel_ext) WHERE is_country IS FALSE
    "osm_coverage_geom4326_idx1" gist (geom_srid4326)
    "osm_coverage_geom_idx1" gist (geom)
    "osm_coverage_isolabel_ext_false_idx" btree (isolabel_ext) WHERE is_country IS FALSE
    "osm_coverage_isolabel_ext_idx1" btree (isolabel_ext)
    "osm_coverage_isolabel_ext_true_idx" btree (isolabel_ext) WHERE is_country IS TRUE
Check constraints:
    "coverage_status_check" CHECK (status = ANY (ARRAY[0, 1, 2]))
=== Queries ===
Queries que geram reports e sugestão de análise das views próprias.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sql">
-- R0a
select * from optim.admin_views_dependency_summary where ref_tab_name='osmc.coverage'
-- R0b
select schema_name, name, arguments_simplified , return_type
from doc_UDF_using_a_table('osmc.cover') t order by 1,2,3
-- R1
select distinct
  substring(isolabel_ext,1,2) as country,
  natcod.vbit_to_baseh(substring(cbits,1,8),16,true) as cbits_b16h,
  is_country, status,
  count(*) n, count(distinct isolabel_ext) n_jurisds
from  osmc.coverage
group by 1,2,3,4
order by 1,2,3 desc,4;
-- R2a
select substring(isolabel_ext,1,2) as country, is_country, is_overlay,
      count(*) n, count(distinct isolabel_ext) n_jurisds, count(distinct cbits) n_cells,
      min(l) l_min, max(l) l_max, round(avg(l),2) l_avg,
from (select *, round(length(cbits)/4)::int as l from osmc.coverage) t
group by 1,2,3 order by 1,2 desc,3;
-- R2b
select substring(isolabel_ext,1,2) as country, is_country, is_overlay,
      count(*) n, count(distinct isolabel_ext) n_jurisds,
      count(distinct kx_prefix) n_cells, count(distinct kx_prefix||'.'||cindex::text) n_cells_idx,
      count(distinct kx_prefix||'.'||isolabel_ext) n_cells_jur,
      min(l) l_min, max(l) l_max, round(avg(l),2) l_avg,
from (select *, length(kx_prefix) as l from osmc.coverage) t
group by 1,2,3 order by 1,2 desc,3;
-- R3
select isolabel_ext, is_overlay,
      array_agg( natcod.vbit_to_baseh(substring(cbits,11),16,true)  order by cbits) cover
from osmc.coverage
where isolabel_ext like 'CO-ARA-%'
group by 1,2 order by 1,2;
-- R4. Testar contra qwerty2, que tem comjunto consistente. Aqui apenas CA e CO apresentam parte consistente.
select  substr(isolabel_ext,1,2) as iso, len, round(avg(a),1) area_avg, max(a) area_max, count(*) n
from (
  select isolabel_ext, length(cbits) len, round(st_area(geom)/10000.0) a, is_contained, is_overlay
  from osmc.coverage where is_contained order by 2 desc,1
) t group by 1,2 order by 1,2
=== Reports ===
'''R0a'''. Views que fazem uso desta tabela:
* osmc.jurisdictions_select
* osmc.tmpvw10: temporária
* osmc.tmpvwpoeira: indica "sobras" dos polígonos que não foram aceitas como cobertura válida, por serem menores que 100 metros quadrados.
'''R0b'''. Funções que fazem uso desta tabela. (removidas as variantes "EC" e "UY")
{| class="wikitable"
! schema_name !! name !! arguments_simplified !! return_type
| api || jurisdiction_coverage || {text,integer} || jsonb
| api || jurisdiction_geojson_from_isolabel || {text} || jsonb
| api || osmcode_decode_postal || {text,text} || jsonb
| api || osmcode_decode_postal_absolute || {text,text} || jsonb
| api || osmcode_decode_scientific_absolute || {text,text,integer} || jsonb
| api || osmcode_encode || {text,integer} || jsonb
| osmc || afa_log_to_hbig || {text,text} || int8
| osmc || cellcontainsproperly || {text,text,integer,text,integer} || text
| osmc || check_coverage || {text,ARRAY,text,ARRAY,ARRAY,ARRAY,ARRAY,boolean,ARRAY} || record
| osmc || cover_child_geometries || {text,text,integer,text,text,USER-DEFINED} || record
| osmc || encode_point_brazil || {USER-DEFINED} || text
| osmc || encode_point_colombia || {USER-DEFINED} || text
| osmc || encode_postal_br || {USER-DEFINED,"double precision",integer,text} || jsonb
| osmc || encode_postal_cm || {USER-DEFINED,"double precision",integer,text} || jsonb
| osmc || encode_postal_co || {USER-DEFINED,"double precision",integer,text} || jsonb
| osmc || encode_scientific_br || {USER-DEFINED,"double precision",integer} || jsonb
| osmc || encode_scientific_cm || {USER-DEFINED,"double precision",integer} || jsonb
| osmc || encode_scientific_co || {USER-DEFINED,"double precision",integer} || jsonb
| osmc || encode_short_code || {text,"bit varying",text,USER-DEFINED,text,integer,text} || record
| osmc || generate_cover_csv || {text,text} || text
| osmc || l0_upsert || {text,smallint,integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,ARRAY,ARRAY} || text
| osmc || l0cover_upsert_br || {NULL} || text
| osmc || l0cover_upsert_co || {NULL} || text
| osmc || update_coverage_isolevel3 || {text,smallint,ARRAY,ARRAY} || text
'''R1'''. Sumário do conteúdo corrente (final de 2023). Diferencia coberturas nacionais, expressa contagem de células e contagem de jurisdições.
{| class="wikitable"
! country !! cbits_b16h !! is_country !! status !! n !! n_jurisds
| BR || 13 || t || 1 || 18 || 1
| BR || 13 || f || 0 || 72726 || 5570
| CM || 1e || t || 1 || 14 || 1
| CM || 1e || f || 0 || 2738 || 360
| CO || 2a || t || 1 || 16 || 1
| CO || 2a || f || 0 || 15244 || 1115
| CO || 2a || f || 2 || 22 || 1
| EC || 36 || t || 1 || 22 || 1
| UY || d6 || t || 1 || 19 || 1
| UY || d6 || f || 0 || 1 || 1
'''R2a'''. Tamanho mais frequente (mediana "mdn") da cobertura. Comprimento ''l'' dado em quantidade de dígitos hexadecimais. <br/>PS: ignorando  EC e UY, que não estão configurados.
{| class="wikitable"
! country !! is_country !! is_overlay !! n !! n_jurisds !! l_min !! l_max !! l_avg !! l_mdn
| BR || t || f || 18 || 1 || 4 || 4 || 4.00 || 4
| BR || f || f || 72565 || 5570 || 5 || 9 || 7.77 || 8
| BR || f || t || 161 || 11 || 7 || 9 || 8.11 || 8
| CM || t || f || 14 || 1 || 3 || 3 || 3.00 || 3
| CM || f || f || 2730 || 360 || 3 || 7 || 5.48 || 5
| CM || f || t || 8 || 1 || 7 || 7 || 7.00 || 7
| CO || t || f || 16 || 1 || 3 || 3 || 3.00 || 3
| CO || f || f || 14165 || 1116 || 4 || 8 || 5.82 || 6
| CO || f || t || 1101 || 1091 || 6 || 9 || 7.39 || 8
'''R2b'''. Mesmo que R2a porém usando "kx_prefix" direto. Linhas is_country removidas pois não usam "kx_prefix".
{| class="wikitable"
! country !! is_ctry !! is_ovly !! n !! n_jurisds !! n_cells !! n_cel_idx !! n_cel_jur !! l_min !! l_max !! l_avg !! l_mdn
| BR || f || f || 72565 || 5570 || 40933 || 69557 || 72565 || 2 || 5 || 3.77 || 4
| BR || f || t || 161 || 11 || 161 || 161 || 161 || 3 || 5 || 4.11 || 4
| CM || f || f || 2730 || 360 || 1411 || 2302 || 2626 || 2 || 5 || 3.50 || 3
| CM || f || t || 8 || 1 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 5 || 5 || 5.00 || 5
| CO || f || f || 14165 || 1116 || 7552 || 13530 || 14165 || 2 || 5 || 3.82 || 4
| CO || f || t || 1101 || 1091 || 1100 || 1100 || 1101 || 4 || 6 || 4.70 || 5
'''R3'''. Para reproduzir a planilha CSV precisamos agrupar cbits e converte-los em base16h. Exemplo, municípios de "CO-ARA". As coberturas-overlay ainda não aparecem no git, e aqui apenas a célula de um ponto é utilizada.
{| class="wikitable"
! isolabel_ext !! is_overlay !! n !! cover
| CO-ARA-Arauca || f || 14 || {cd4,cd5,cd6,cd7,e2a,e2e,e2f,e80,e81,e82,e83,e84,e85,e86}
| CO-ARA-Arauca || t || 1 || {cd7fG}
| CO-ARA-Arauquita || f || 9 || {c7e,c7f,cd0,cd1,cd2,cd3,cd4,cd5,cd6}
| CO-ARA-Arauquita || t || 1 || {cd3cQ}
| CO-ARA-CravoNorte || f || 13 || {e28,e2a,e2b,e2c,e2d,e2e,e2f,e38,e3a,e80,e81,e84,e85}
| CO-ARA-CravoNorte || t || 1 || {e2b5Q}
| CO-ARA-Fortul || f || 5 || {c6f,cc5,cd0,cd1,cd2}
| CO-ARA-Fortul || t || 1 || {cd0bG}
| CO-ARA-PuertoRondon || f || 9 || {c7d,c7e,c7f,cd1,cd4,cd5,e28,e2a,e80}
| CO-ARA-PuertoRondon || t || 1 || {c7e4Q}
| CO-ARA-Saravena || f || 4 || {cc5,cc7,cd0,cd2}
| CO-ARA-Saravena || t || 1 || {cd22Q}
| CO-ARA-Tame || f || 13 || {c6c,c6d,c6e,c6f,c78,c79,c7a,c7b,c7e,cc5,cd0,cd1,cd4}
| CO-ARA-Tame || t || 1 || {c7acQ}
== Outros esquemas e tabelas ==
=== download.redirects ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Column !! Type !! Nullable !! Description
| donor_id || int ||  || Donor identifier in optim.donor
| filename_original || text ||  || (not used)
| package_path || text ||  || (not used)
| hashedfname || text || not null || The filenaname, based on SHA256.extension
| hashedfnameuri || text ||  || The real URL for file download of the file with the expected SHA256.
    "redirects_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hashedfname)
-- correto seria unique substring(hashedfname,1,64) para excluir a extension da unicidade
    "redirects_hashedfname_hashedfnameuri_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (hashedfname, hashedfnameuri)
Check constraints:
    "redirects_hashedfname_check" CHECK (hashedfname ~ '^[0-9a-f]{64,64}\.[a-z0-9]+$'::text)
Tem relação com a API do ''endpoint''  <code>http://DL.digital-guard.org</code>.
onde faz UNION com a tabela <code>optim.donated_packcomponent_cloudcontrol</code>. No servidor, localmente faz <code>curl</code>. Na prática é chamado por PHP, ver <code>/var/www/dl.digital-guard.org/dl.php</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sql">
-- R0. Testa como a API fornece
select * from api.redirects  where fhash like 'e5b%';
CREATE VIEW optim.vw_download_redirects AS
  select substring(hashedfname,1,7) as short_id, donor_id, hashedfname, hashedfnameuri from download.redirects
-- R1. Gera testes bash dos downloads. Demora, já são mais de 700
  SELECT 'url_'||short_id ||'="' || hashedfnameuri || '"' FROM optim.vw_download_redirects
  SELECT format(
    'wget --spider "$url_%s" 2>/dev/null && echo "url_%1$s exists" || echo "!url_%1$s does not exist: $url1"',
  FROM optim.vw_download_redirects
) to '/tmp/dl_urls_test.sh'; -- sh /tmp/dl_urls_test.sh
== Outros lembretes ==
CREATE VIEW optim.admin_views_dependency AS
-- https://stackoverflow.com/a/69473861/287948
  u.view_schema schema_name,
  u.table_schema referenced_table_schema,
  u.table_name referenced_table_name,
from information_schema.view_table_usage u
join information_schema.views v on u.view_schema = v.table_schema
  and u.view_name = v.table_name
where u.table_schema not in ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog')
order by u.view_schema, u.view_name
CREATE VIEW optim.admin_views_dependency_summary AS
select schema_name||'.'||view_name as vw_name,
referenced_table_schema||'.'||referenced_table_name as ref_tab_name
from optim.admin_views_dependency
-- DROP VIEW optim.admin_udf_summary;
CREATE VIEW optim.admin_udf_summary AS
SELECT  n.oid, quote_ident(n.nspname) as schema , quote_ident(p.proname) as function,
        pg_get_function_result(n.oid) as fres
FROM  pg_catalog.pg_proc p
JOIN  pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
WHERE  n.nspname not like 'pg%'
CREATE or replace FUNCTION doc_UDF_using_a_table(
  p_table text,
  p_schema_name text DEFAULT NULL,
  p_name_like text DEFAULT '',
  p_name_notlike text DEFAULT '',
  p_oid oid DEFAULT NULL
  id text,
  oid oid,
  schema_name text,
  name text,
  language text, --new
  definition_md5 text, -- version control
  arguments_simplified text[],
  arguments text,
  return_type text,
  prokind text,
  comment text
) AS $f$
  SELECT doc_UDF_transparent_id(u.schema_name, u.name::text, s.arguments_simplified::text[]) AS id,
        u.oid, u.schema_name, u.name::text,
        u.language, md5(u.definition),
        s.arguments_simplified::text[] as arguments_simplified,
        u.arguments::text AS arguments,
        u.return_type, u.prokind, u.comment
  FROM doc_UDF_show_simplified_signature($2,$3,$4) s
      INNER JOIN doc_UDF_show($2,$3,$4,$5) u ON s.oid=u.oid::text
  WHERE u.definition ilike '%'|| p_table ||'%'
==  Ver também ==
* Criação ou Reconstrução de qualquer DL (teste ou  produção)  https://github.com/digital-guard/preserv/wiki/Datalake
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